Wealth Principles from a Certified Financial Planner


Have you ever wondered how you can go from zero dollars to $100,000 in savings? Well, read more to learn my top tips on how to build wealth:


1. Discover Your Passion


The first thing you want to do is to figure out what your career goals are. What drives you in life? What gets you out of bed in the morning? These are some questions you should ask yourself to achieve true success, as you need to dedicate years of hard work to achieve the skillset you need.  


2. Invest in Yourself


Have you perhaps considered going back to school? Maybe go to university to get a degree, or take a couple of courses to receive a certificate? If you have, then I would suggest you go for it! The best investment you can make is in yourself. Whether you’re a software developer, content creator, or financial professional, you’re going to have endless opportunities to grow. The more you can specialize in your trade, the higher your income potential will be in the long term.


3. Learn the Basics of Finance


Perhaps you can take a basic financial course online, or at least watch some YouTube videos here. Knowing the basics can help you achieve your financial goals, like learning simple ways to save money!


4. Enlist Professional Support


Now once you’ve gotten better at your craft and started making enough money, the next step is to find professional help. This can be an accountant or financial advisor, as you’ll eventually need help once your income increases like saving money on taxes!


I hope this has been helpful to you, and please feel free to ask any questions in the comment box. If you want to learn more about savings tips, you can watch the full YouTube video down below. Happy saving!


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